Cognitive Remediation Therapy, Eh! An Exploratory Study at a Canadian Adult Eating Disorders Clinic


  • Brad A. Mac Neil Adult Eating Disorders Program of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Queens University
  • Pallavi Nadkarni
  • Pauline Leung
  • Laura Stubbs
  • Cathy O'Brien
  • Manya Singh
  • Sandra Leduc


Group Counselling, Applied Practice



Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) is a new pretreatment that is not routinely offered as a part of adult eating disorder programming across Canada. This pilot study examined levels of cognitive flexibility, patient satisfaction, life satisfaction, and psychological symptoms in a group of Canadian adults participating in an open ongoing weekly CRT group. Participants were 38 adults who met DSM-5 criteria for an eating disorder. Pre- and postgroup measures of patient satisfaction, psychological flexibility, satisfaction with life, and low mood and anxiety symptoms were completed. Overall, participants were satisfied with the CRT group and experienced significant changes in their levels of psychological flexibility and satisfaction with life postgroup. Preliminary results provide support for further investigation of CRT as a novel and palatable prepsychological group treatment approach for Canadian adults struggling with an eating disorder that can be easily integrated into preexisting evidence-based programming.


Author Biography

Brad A. Mac Neil, Adult Eating Disorders Program of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Queens University

I am a Clinical Psychologist with the Adult Outpatient Psychiatry  and Eating Disorders Programs at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, ON. I am Coordinator of the Program Evaluation Research with the Adult Eating Disorders Program. I also hold Adjunct Assistant Professor Positions in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at Queens University. I am a Clinical Supervisor in the Clincial Psychology Graduate Program at Queens University.  



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How to Cite

Mac Neil, B. A., Nadkarni, P., Leung, P., Stubbs, L., O’Brien, C., Singh, M., & Leduc, S. (2016). Cognitive Remediation Therapy, Eh! An Exploratory Study at a Canadian Adult Eating Disorders Clinic. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 50(2). Retrieved from



Brief Report/ Rapport sommaire