Multiple Measures for the Prediction of Counsellor Trainee Effectiveness


  • Ian R. Ridgway
  • Christopher Sharpley


A set of five variables was used to predict the counselling effectiveness of 42 counsellor trainees who received microskills-based instruction. Assessment and analysis of posttraining performance data, which used a different set of three outcome measures, revealed a significant relationship between the set of predictor variables and the set of outcome measures of counselling effectiveness. High affective empathy and low purposein- life in the predictor set were found to predict counselling skills in the outcome set. Implications for training are discussed.


How to Cite

Ridgway, I. R., & Sharpley, C. (2011). Multiple Measures for the Prediction of Counsellor Trainee Effectiveness. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 24(3). Retrieved from



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