Traditional Healing Methods with First Nations Women in Group Counselling


  • Carrie L. Heilbron The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of The University of Toronto
  • Mary Alice Julius Guttman The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of The University of Toronto


A traditional aboriginal healing ceremony, called the Healing Circle, was utilized in a counselling group comprised of First Nations and non-aboriginal women survivors of child sexual abuse. The traditional ceremony and aboriginal beliefs were examined for their impact on the counselling process. The ceremony and beliefs established a spiritual component which contributed positively to the group. Adhering to aboriginal culture was integral to the healing process. Suggestions for the non-aboriginal counsellor in facilitating the healing process for First Nations women are offered.




How to Cite

Heilbron, C. L., & Julius Guttman, M. A. (2007). Traditional Healing Methods with First Nations Women in Group Counselling. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 34(1). Retrieved from



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