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de Velasco, Soren, Technological University of the North of Aguascalientes
De Visser, Ash , Simon Fraser University
de Waal, Anna, McGill University
de Wet, Pieter Oloff
De Wispelaere, An
de Zeeuw, Frank, EPFL, Switzerland
Deacon, Margaret
Dean, Ryan, University of Calgary
Dean Glover, Caroline , University of Richmond
Deane, Frank P.
Deane, Lawrence
Deans, B.
Dearborn, Curtis H.
DeBay, Dennis, University of Colorado Denver
Debenbaum, Brock, University of Alberta
DeBiasio, Celina, University of Ottawa
DeBock, Elmer A.
DeBoer, Sarah, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
Debortoli, Nathan S.
deBraga, Michael, University of Toronto, Mississauga
deBruyn, Jennifer
deCaires Narain, Denise
Décarie, R.
Décarie, Robert
DeCicco, A.F.

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