Students as partners: Reflections on a conceptual model


  • Mick Healey Healey Higher Education Consultants
  • Abbi Flint Higher Education Academy
  • Kathy Harrington London Metropolitan University



Students as Partners, Partnership Learning Communities, Co-inquiring, Co-developing, SoTL


This article reflects on a conceptual model for mapping the work which fits under the broad heading of students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education (Healey, Flint & Harrington, 2014). We examine the nature and purpose of the model with reference to specific examples and reflect on the potential and actual uses of the model in the development of practice and policy, focussing particularly on students as co-inquirers in SoTL. The article also provides a framework for the other articles in this special issue.

Author Biographies

Mick Healey, Healey Higher Education Consultants

Mick Healey is a HE Consultant and Researcher, Howden (UK); Emeritus Professor, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham (UK); Visiting Professor University College London (UK); The Humbodlt Distinguished Scholar in Research-Based Learning McMaster University (Canada); Adjunct Professor, Macquarie University, Sydney (Australia); Visiting Fellow University of Queensland (Australia); and International Teaching Fellow, University College Cork (Ireland). 

Abbi Flint, Higher Education Academy

Abbi Flint is Research Manager, Higher Education Academy, York (UK), and Visiting Research Fellow in Student Engagement at Birmingham City University (UK).

Kathy Harrington, London Metropolitan University

Kathy Harrington is Principal Lecturer in Learning and Educational Development in HE, London Metropolitan University (UK), and Visiting Lecturer, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London (UK).


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How to Cite

Healey, Mick, Abbi Flint, and Kathy Harrington. 2016. “Students As Partners: Reflections on a Conceptual Model”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 4 (2):8-20.



Articles: Students as Co-Inquirers (Special Section)